I definitely get more engagement with my audience, which is nice! Sure wish I could get all 2500 of my followers on Twitter. :( I get that not everyone wants another instagram. It's mostly artists themselves who transitioned over here.
Yeah same, but honestly, the art community & most of my key mutuals that I interact with frequently made the switch, so I'm fine taking the hit to total followers.
I'm missing some hyper-niche content from people I've never heard of, but I'm also way less active in general. Still though, removing twitter from my homescreen has made me never go there?? It was that simple?!
Pretty good so far. Growth has been steady, and I can find the stuff I like much more easily. Engagement seems to be about right for my current following.
I just hope some features come quick and the admin doesn't fuck things up too much, considering they are of the libertarian cryptotechbro kind.
Yeah, same sentiment. They do seem kinda desperate to fuck it up in some form now that it's getting so many new users. Lots of questionable decisions as of late
Yeah the moment more people pop over, more issues start popping off sadly. Like let's be real, twitter itself also wasn't /great/ before Musk, though it was semi-tolerable back then.
Ambivalent? I've gotten a lot of followers very quickly, but I feel like that has not gotten me much engagement.
And then the whole trust & safety issue has me wondering if I'll be jumping ship soon anyway.
Kind of bittersweet, it's sad to leave what you've built up over the years on twitter and I feel like I've lost a few moots along the way, but it's been really fun finding new people and re-discovering that engagement that twitter used to have in its good days
I'm trans, so it was really good at first, lot of nice mutuals, funny website, safe
but now bsky team decided not to ban a known harasser ( like, doxxing, calling to suicide, sending waves of his followers to harass trans people that asked nothing ) and it's all going downhill
Yeah, I definitely had good interactions there as well, but I can already tell that Bksy's lax algorithm results in my regular interactive posts like questions getting waaaaay more replies. On the hellsite I only really got proper interaction on my (semi)-viral art posts.
Thanks for asking. I'm struggling to get followers back... Very painful transition for me. But I can't decently continue posting on the other platform. How is yours?
any time i have to go back on twitter, you can tell just how bad its gotten... bsky has features i really like overall and people here are more chill (that ive seen at least)
in regards to moving shop... i guess it feels about the same for me, but i never had a huge following/engagement anyway
Yep and even just muting people who might be a little on the downer side for a while helps my mental health a LOT - no shame to them for having emotions i just can’t absorb it all ya know
I know the idea is to say and post things but I'm not sure what things to say or post haha I feel like there's some core connection here that I'm not getting
Everyone has their own way of navigating social media! What I usually just do is comment on other artist's work and tell them a specific thing I like about their art, my attitude tends to be to come at it from a positive angle.
In the last 6 months it’s been especially good for chatting to people and getting connections. It’s a reminder that the people who want to chat and interact and enjoy socializing have been there all along, but being forced into engagement through brutal algorithmic tech made it hard to do sincerely.
Yep I've noticed that as well! Not having a brutal algorithm keeping you artificially separated makes it so much easier to just chat it up with pixel pals & the like.
I have been worried about the increasing bot activity though, but it comes and goes in waves. I guess it was inevitable with a platform getting bigger, but still.
On one hand I'm glad it's not just me, on the other, what is even up with those, are they just seeding boys preemptively, there doesn't seem to be any benefit to bottling posts with bsky current way of handling feeds
Probably about 2-3 years of pixel posting. Some have found it much quicker to move over/regain their followers in the move. All good though - nice using socials for fun rather than business outreach !
The transition was a bit slow at first but now I’m up the pace: the posts are more down to earth here, all the engagement seems real and people are really more friendly, so I’ve open up more!!
The environment here is really much better than other social networks I've been on, the people here are also much friendlier and less toxic (so far I've only met 1 person who annoyed me and I blocked them).
However I noticed that some people I follow are no longer here, which left me a little discouraged, not to mention that my visibility dropped a little.
And there are few people who interact with my posts even though I have a decent number of followers, which makes me feel like I'm alone here...
Interaction stuff is tricky, there's a lot of people on social media who just browse/lurk and rarely interact, or they only interact based on very, very specific criteria. Personally I just try to keep an eye on who appreciates interaction & actually takes the time to reply.
There's a few things:
1. Be at peace with low engagement, sometimes it just happens, no matter what you do.
2. Personally I made a "list' on here of just my closest friends/buddies so it's easier to find and interact with the people I know well.
3. Be the type of person you want others to be -
- I have noticed that many artist mutuals that I often interact with/leave comments on, are also more likely to do so to me. Obviously you can't expect people to do this, but I've noticed many mutuals do appreciate it when you interact with them & are more likely to reciprocate.
i might be the odd man out here but I think it’s fun starting over on new platforms and meeting people you wouldn’t have talked to before for whatever reason.
it is kinda quiet here and I don’t mean people engaging with me, I mean quantity of posts to engage with.
NAh truth to be told, I 100% get you. I enjoyed how much my following on the hellsite ended up blowing up, especially recently, but due to Bsky having less content, fewer people, it makes it a lot easier to sorta interact in a smaller cozier space for the time being. Kinda reminds me of old forums.
i enjoy starting over again too, i just wish it didn't mean that freelancers have to risk their livelihood on it. i've been doing well (and even getting commissions from people i didn't know before!) so it's been a 100% upside for me at least
Aw I'm super happy to hear it's paying off for ya bud! And yeah I do hate from a revenue pov that losing the hellsite means a big downturn in potential commissioners etc, but ah well.
It absolutely sucks how freelance creatives are at the whims of giant corporations making boneheaded decisions and fearing for their livelihood. When I was on that grind, I knew it was super important to diversify my platform presence but it was exhausting to keep up with one let alone 3-4+
Yeah, I do want to kinda try and keep my posting on various sites more active rather than just sticking to 1 platform, although my ADHD brain does not like doing that very much.
I've been a lot happier. Art motivation comes way more naturally these days. The only real downside is I have to start over building a following but I'm going to be honest: most of the 4000 followers I had on Twitter I hardly interacted with heh...
Good! I’ve found a little over half of the Twttr artists I was following here, so it’s nice to have that curated. Plus it’s nice to feel my art is actually seen!
Worried that the interests of their cripto-investiment parent company will rear their ugly head sooner of later, and by then we will be deep into sunken cost fallacy.
I quit most social media completely for a long time, so it was fun dipping my toes back in, and gives me some art motivation. Bsky safety team has made it less fun recently and is reminding me why I quit in the first place. I'll just enjoy it while I can.
I just hope some features come quick and the admin doesn't fuck things up too much, considering they are of the libertarian cryptotechbro kind.
But yeah, similar experience to mine. Loving the lists/feeds.
It's so good to actually interact with friends instead of bots
And then the whole trust & safety issue has me wondering if I'll be jumping ship soon anyway.
A lot of people who migrated over get bogged down by not having as big of a following, but sometimes forget just how much better that following is!
but now bsky team decided not to ban a known harasser ( like, doxxing, calling to suicide, sending waves of his followers to harass trans people that asked nothing ) and it's all going downhill
in regards to moving shop... i guess it feels about the same for me, but i never had a huge following/engagement anyway
And there are few people who interact with my posts even though I have a decent number of followers, which makes me feel like I'm alone here...
1. Be at peace with low engagement, sometimes it just happens, no matter what you do.
2. Personally I made a "list' on here of just my closest friends/buddies so it's easier to find and interact with the people I know well.
3. Be the type of person you want others to be -
it is kinda quiet here and I don’t mean people engaging with me, I mean quantity of posts to engage with.
I’ve always been a fan of cultivating new audiences and new friends and this is a nice place to do it.