Really getting into the world of Delta Green RPG by ! It has some similarities to your Rogue Team International! I'll be running a campaign soon for friends!
Picked up a part-time gig at the Wells Fargo Center running the jumbotron and other digital signage to augment my freelance work. No more "dead season"!
Wait! A new book from Terry Brooks is about to drop. That’s good news. I am half way through Dogs Of War in my ongoing attempt to finish all the Joe Ledger novels. That is continuing good news. Shameless Jonathan Maberry plug. 🤪
I got two new potentially long term clients at work today! And in the spirit of celebrating small meaningful things: Ray Porter liked all my posts in my thread about you and commented a thank you, and you liked posts of mine as well!
But hey, I am back to exercising and trying to be healthy, let's see how long that lasts. Good news though... and if I fail, at least an asteroid is coming...
Mochi cake mix season returns to Trader Joe's (we buy the hell out of them then try to make them last most of the year cause they're like chewy caramelized rice marshmallow squares). Highly recommend.
I will be riding this high for a *while* lol
Also: petted cats 💜
But hey, I am back to exercising and trying to be healthy, let's see how long that lasts. Good news though... and if I fail, at least an asteroid is coming...