My TED Talk on Saving Ourselves is OUT! Tune in to learn why we ALL need to be apocalyptic optimists: Prepared for the climate shocks that are coming and ready to rally as activists, disruptors, and bridge-builders to save ourselves from the climate crisis.
The USA becoming a fascist fossil fuel dictatorship is the biggest problem.
India and China are moving to low cost solar power instead of expensive coal at record pace.
Do you know ? He speaks about transformational adaptation which seems very similar to your apocalyptic optimism! He's also trying to mobilise the moderate flank with the
I think you'd both enjoy a chat!
I hope you had a "great" weekend (or as good as possible:). Thanks for authorizing your TED Talk, "How To Be An Apocalyptic Optimist", for climate crisis club website. We also have your book, "Saving Ourselves", in our book list. 👍📘👩
Such a great book 📚 about climate resilience. Thank you. 😊
Sorry. It’s a really important book 📖, so I’ll add it ASAP!🥰
Preparing........ already in process.