I have attempted to play The New Colossus multiple times because I KNOW I would enjoy it. But I've never played a game that makes me as violently motion sick as that game. I genuinely can't believe they never had an option for turning off head bob.
It's still machine games. I guess what I meant was even an Indiana Jones game has to feel the part and can't get too crazy. Wolfenstein has the potential to get really crazy with the nazi killing (and should!)
Youngblood is definitely a spinoff (and not a great one, from what I've heard), but Old Blood is excellent! It's a slightly shorter prequel to New Order that leans a bit more into the franchise's fantasy elements than the newer sci-fi angle. Absolutely worth playing alongside the main games though!
I love that Bethesda put ads back in rotation for the Wolfenstein games the week of the inauguration. A nice subtle middle finger to the administration.
I'll admit I like Youngblood the most. It's not the best by any stretch but I love that it sets you in a giant Nazi-controlled Paris and says "get to it"
The characterization is hit and miss, but it does manage a couple good moments. One towards the beginning has the sisters talking about one's hunting trips with dad.
"What did you guys talk about out there?"
"Why not go hunting with him yourself?"
"I hunt Nazis, Jess. Not animals."
Remember when they released a Wolfenstein trailer with the caption "Make America Nazi-Free Again" and a bunch of people got mad so Bethesda doubled down and said that the series is fundamentally about killing Nazis because Nazis are bad? Never been more interested in a game
Old Blood is wild, man. BJ bluffs his way past a Nazi by saying “hot dogs” in a bad German accent. Tex Perkins sings the song that plays over the credits. Weirdo RTCW occultism shit shows up. You murder Nazis en masse. It’s got everything!
New Order has been a very fun ride (Nazi moon base missions were incredible) while also being legitimately emotionally compelling at times. Very hard balance to find, but they nailed it. Definitely excited for a prequel+sequel
“Fuck you, moon” is still the funniest fucking serious line read I’ve ever heard. Lot of people bounce off New Colossus, so I’d personally say you just have to be ready for the gameplay/story ratio to have uneven pacing. It’s a bit more ridiculous overall, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing.
It's somehow a deeply silly and deeply serious series at the same time. Honestly I think I can deal with the uneven-ness as long as the gameplay is still fun.
Good thing Wolfenstein is here.
-William J. Blazkowicz
Or am I confusing it with the Hitman developers and James Bond?
(or youngblood but nobody liked youngblood so I reckon that doesn't count)
At least that's what I assumed with the change in the title format.
"What did you guys talk about out there?"
"Why not go hunting with him yourself?"
"I hunt Nazis, Jess. Not animals."