I'm sure the CEO also felt remorseful and surrendered himself to the authorities too, and definitely didn't concoct any elaborate financial schemes in an attempt to conceal his crimes at all. 😄
I think the CEO should get at least 15 years but what were the aggravating circumstances, if any involved in the robbery of $100? As indicated above, a link to a news source would give this meme a bit more weight.
Unless you want to look up the criminal records yourself, I don't think it's been published. Plausibly the homeless man has a record as he was trying to pay for a detox center.
the fact that the billionaire should get at least as much time as the homeless guy doesn't negate the latter doesn't have it coming for robbing a bank. Retail theft? sneaking a wallet pickpocketing? for those I could advocate easier sentencing.
In case anyone was in question about inequalities in our justice system. White collar criminals get off WAY too easy, even when they are caught for outrageous crimes.
After raping and basically enslaving so many underage girls, Jeffrey Epstein was sentenced to a luxury "prison" where he could spent ten hours PER DAY on day release, so he could do his job.
and the CEO will get to keep most of the three billion, while making hundreds or even thousands of people homeless by foreclosing on their homes fraudulently.
Snopes article does not definitively back this story on its surface. There's a guy matching the name and age from that time, but no matching conviction, & the only person able to be found- looking further- who may match had 8 priors, including domestic battery & other robberies. It's an odd story.
tRump isn't in Jail for all of his Crimes.
I think most people would find themselves doing things they'd never do otherwise after extended periods of homelessness.
The guy needed help, made a bad decision, and turned himself in out of regret.
Oh, and he hired his own security staff
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