As I write more romantic stories set in pre-Spanish Invasion Mesoamerica, I think a lot about the language of love, especially in the Nahuatl-speaking communities in Anahuac (the lakes region presently covered by Mexico City).
The main way to say "I love you" was "nimitztlazohtla."
The main way to say "I love you" was "nimitztlazohtla."
-mitz- = second person object prefix (you)
tlazohtla = love, esteem, cherish
The verb "tlazohtla" is related to "tlazohtli" (precious, rare) and the word for "thank you"—"tlazohcamati" (recognize as worthy of esteem).
Many loves fit that verb.
Nimitznequi. I want, desire you.
Maybe "nequi" isn't enough. There are other verbs, like "tlazohtlapoloa" or "love so much it erases all else."
You have to dig deep to find such words, of course.
But not all.
We find the beating heart of folks swept up in lust and love. You can feel it.
"Yollohtetecuica" is for one's heart to crackle and thrum with love like a fire.
Why did Nahua lovers feel these emotions? For the same reasons we all do. Our senses perceive.
For the Nahua—whose name for themselves means "clear speakers"—the ears are the road to the heart.
Someone with the most seductive words was a "camaxochihuah" (flower-mouth-owner).