Nope, LXC containers run NixOS, and for some containers inside my LXC I'm using moby. Proxmox for LXC is using linuxcontainers already, but not Incus. Should I be looking at Incus in any of those places? I wasn't aware of the project.
Thanks for the reply. I am just learning about system containers. I was thinking of replacing my current Proxmox with a NixOS base hypervisor, running incus. Sort of the inverse of what you are describing. So many ways to stich thing together!
Thanks for sharing.
Tbh I don't interact with proxmox enough to have a problem with it. I deploy almost all (except for Home Assistant, VM) containers with deploy-rs and nix. Remote PBS handles backups and I have additional restic configuration for some data inside containers, all in nix.
Thanks for sharing.