I have a maybe stupid take on this, but I think hyping up a disastrous historical parallel with no factual parallels might be exactly what you want here because of the incredible fart noises it’ll be in a couple days when everything runs like clockwork. it’s not like they’ll learn anything but still
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Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC
CBS ran a piece this morning about how it's just like 1968 with all the chaos and the "big question" is whether this year will be just as chaotic like what fucking planet are you on tony kipuelpoula whatever the fuck your dumb name is
Ok grandma, why don’t you take us to commercial break.
It totally took the wind out of the sales of any bump.
but mostly, WE invaded Vietnam.
they're pissed bc they wanted the drama.
Still, I don't see any equivalent in today's left to the shenanigans at the time, in numbers or prominence.
Some was provocateurs of one sort or another, & I do think the right was more deadly, tho covered less, but allowing for a few incidents into the early 80s, almost nothing (from the left) since
tbh I'd bet a few bucks that Venn is not two discrete circles. lot of ex "fuck the man" hippies/left swung directly to Alex Jones, religion, etc. same inchoate rage + lack of critical thinking.
Where I grew up, it was a small religious war between evangelicals who would put dynamite under each other’s cars.
Don’t know the ultimate bodycount, but the dad of a classmate was in prison for murder.
nice thing about screens: you can't reach right through and kill someone.
but idk, I think there's a reason the Life of Brian resistance factions are evergreen.
structural problem on far, non tankie left: if all power is bad, you can't claim power w/out being responsible for Bad Things. solution: remain powerless yet righteous.
The ‘60s radicals knew that they could get a job or go to school, and have a future so long as they didn’t get sucked into the war.
They had the hope of the postwar generations.