This. It’s hard, because we (collectively) have eroded almost every local business that might have been an easy replacement. We mostly shifted from Amazon, but when our kids were smaller, Amazon felt like the only way we would survive.
Even now, Amazon is sometimes my adhd tax- “shit, we forgot
Even now, Amazon is sometimes my adhd tax- “shit, we forgot
Reposted from
Courtney Milan
I agree with this take. The correct thing to do if you are mad at Target is to figure out what you buy at Target and how to get it from somewhere else, and then do so.
For as long as you need to.
For as long as you need to.
In shifting from amazon though, we’ve realized it’s mostly stopped even being a good deal. I bought some loop earplugs the other day directly from loop- and amazon was a tad more expensive because it rolled shipping into the cost. Sometimes it’s
Target is harder because I can actually get things for a better price (dishwasher pods, mouthwash) , so I’m going to have to look at each thing I buy regularly there and find a replacement. That’s doable, but may look like buying directly from the manufacturer online, or
Presents for kids birthdays will be the actual hardest. There’s almost literally no other brick and mortar stores left that sell a variety of kids toys. We’ll figure it out, but that’s already an adhd tax pain point.
(Just an fyi, for books, we switched almost
If there’s a point to this other than rambling, it’s that to switch it takes a lot of thought and planning.