Ask your GP. I think that's what I was prescribed for a short while. Dosage levels are variable, but they seemed to be quite effective in short stints but can get addictive - in that after a few weeks your body is so used to having them to knock you out that you can't get to sleep without taking one
I had a good chat with her. Your body gets used to them and they stop being effective apparently hence the short doses. She's given me 10 just now but I've to lift the phone if I need another 10. None after that though. I don't want to wake up for nights like a fart in a trance
Think zopiclone was what Michael Jackson was on, but in doses that would have knocked out a horse. He'd been started out on a regular dose to help him sleep, but after a short while got his medic to increase the dosage as they weren't working as well. Thus a downward spiral started, not a happy end.
Sounds sensible. My GP advised similarly, and so I only took them for about 3 weeks, and then held back another 10 or so tablets for if there were odd nights where I was seriously struggling to get to sleep, when I would pop one just to help me off.