The main cast is pretty decent
Junction system is wildly different than the stuff that has come before
Triple Triad
The main cast is pretty decent
Junction system is wildly different than the stuff that has come before
Triple Triad
Battles are just a bit too slow for my liking sometimes
First, Squall has been my favorite FF character since Kingdom Hearts. Second, the FF8 ost is the first ever soundtrack I downloaded as a kid. I got so much mileage out of it. Used to listen to Maybe I’m a Lion on my Zune. Remember those?
Completion Status:
Not completed
Personal Rating:
Favorite Character:
Kuja. Not to be thirsty on main, but that super-dramatic twink would ruin my life, and I would fucking thank him for it.
Over the Hill. Something about the world map theme just kinda lightens my mood. Quite the gorgeous track really.
A very classic return to the series’s roots
All the references to past games
The way you learn abilities may be grindy, but they’re worth the effort
Returning to a job-like party system is nice