Bezos treats his employees horribly- they need to work elsewhere. My boy was promised full time but they cut his hours all the time. If you feel so bad for employees why give money to these corps who make record sales/ bonuses? They aren’t taking care of the staff at the bottom.
At Walmart? They barely get paid and they're badly overworked. Retail work is hard, this is gross. It doesn't hurt the owners and shareholders. It hurts the workers.
You need to do some research- Walmart is notorious for not allowing their workforce the right to unionize. It’s a bad company and should not be in business- if you feel really bad for their employees you should watch this documentary-
I hate Walmart. I hate Union busters. What I was saying was the working class are not the enemy. Giving more work to overworked, underpaid employees is gross. You think that hurts the Waltons?
So you made some poor, hourly workers' day a little bit worse. Then convinced yourself that you're helping. Then tried to convince strangers on social media that you're helping. What an absolute tool.
You realize this "statement" will just be seen by and needs to be cleaned up by the exact people this isn't meant for. The people this statement is meant for, those at the top, won't deal with it nor probably even know it was there to begin with. It just antagonizes the people we should want to help
It's a great sticker, but use it to hurt those that are part of the problem, not punish those the system is already punishing for their being working class and needing to take any work they can get...
It's fine. They have to work their shift anyway. The supervisor will be short manpower. Goals will be missed. Store numbers are impacted. They can do absolutely nothing about stopping people from doing this either. It's a good form of protest.
God bless Ukraine
I stand with Ukraine and democracy.
The TDS is strong in your hatefilled commies!!!