Ditto 👌🏽👌🏽 I did complete
annihilation and exodus of
all Mæeta platforms: fresh start to cutting off Elitism
and far-right Ideologies.
(got receipts) cuz some ppl lying and on dat BS.
Vacated LinkedIn, Ran
out on —lon Musky (former twitter) Adios to Prime
and Target. 🎯
My issue is that a lot of other things I have, Spotify for example or lots of different things, I just click the "login with Facebook" button so that I never had to make a login, and now I need to figure out which things I've done that to because it will reactivate your Facebook if you click that
You just need to be a performing artist now to get juice over there. 🙂
annihilation and exodus of
all Mæeta platforms: fresh start to cutting off Elitism
and far-right Ideologies.
(got receipts) cuz some ppl lying and on dat BS.
Vacated LinkedIn, Ran
out on —lon Musky (former twitter) Adios to Prime
and Target. 🎯
“Ain’t No Half-Stepping”