Bridge should stay banned, it either does nothing or is completely broken. It has no in between. Punishing fire and Jitte are still banned to try and allow small creature decks to live.
And Punishing Fire being banned is laughable, today no one would pay 3 mana for recursive 2 damage. Also Bowmaster, W&6 and Plague engineer already make small creature decks super hard to play.
I guess if they’re unplayable, there’s not much sense in unbanning them? Assuming the goal of unbanning a card is to response to the will of the community and enhance people’s enjoyment of the game, anyway.
Enough of what exactly?? Bridge was only good with Hogaak, got banned instead of Hogaak, did nothing to stop its dominance and was never unbanned. Card was never very good outside of that particular shell.
If I recall right there was bridge decks before Hogaak, they were always kinda annoying to play against since you could NEVER tell when they would pop off. Hogaak just mad eit better.
It's one I file under as being a net-negative and shouldn't have been printed to begin with.