What has US to do with Russias invasion? Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014, and denied it was russian forces who took Crimea. The same with eastern Ukraine, "small green men" without any badges to show where they came from invaded eastern Ukraine. Putindenied they where russian soldiers.
Do you deny that it was russia who invaded Ukraine, first in 2014 and then in 2022?
Did Ukraine pose any military threat to russia in 2014 or 2022? russia who claim they are the second strongest army in the world?
I'd describe Russia as invading Ukraine in 2022 but not in 2014.
Ukraine was a military threat* in both 2014 and 2022, more so in 2022.
*not meaning they would beat Russia
Outside 'help' kept/used Ukraine going (to last Ukrainian)
Ukraine has lost the 4 oblasts/Crimea at minimum, it remains to be seen if they lose more by continued fighting, eg Odessa
Strength makes reality not hope.