Bluesky academics, lets get to know each other! Quote this & tell me: 1) a project you are working on & 2) an odd idea/theory you aren’t working on but keep thinking about
1) (How) Does paternity leave shape gender norms?
2) Why are so few men nurses?
1) (How) Does paternity leave shape gender norms?
2) Why are so few men nurses?
Reposted from
Mirya R. Holman
Bluesky academics, lets get to know each other! Quote this & tell me: 1) a project you are working on & 2) an odd idea/theory you aren’t working on but keep thinking about
1) what is the nature of conflict in local politics?
2) what role do neighborhood bars play in local politics?
1) what is the nature of conflict in local politics?
2) what role do neighborhood bars play in local politics?