Please, everyone knows the really good eggs come from Japan. Literally opening them uncooked and dumping them on your rice and sukiyaki beef won't kill you with salmonella.
I may be a psychopath, but knowing how painful menstruation can be for human women is a good start to assuming it can't be anything but worse for a creature that tosses eggs at least every three days that are way larger and harder relatively and absolutely.
Why does Europe have eggs? Not because they are not affected by bird flue. The reason is: Regulation, stable and respected institutions, benevolent and trusted government. The US is running the opposite way as fast as it can, and is surprised by the consequences...
I still find it incredulous that the world's largest economy, in a country of that geographical size, can't produce a basic food staple in sufficient quantities...and approached Denmark - that is 228 times smaller than the US - for supplies..
Danish 🇩🇰 eggs are expensive 😉
And it also seems that Finnish 🇫🇮 eggs are not even for sale 😏
B.t.w., could watch that all time: