I am really concerned about the way the world is going now. Not for me so much, but for my grandchildren.
It’s now pretty obvious that the endgame is to create a global regime controlled by the 0. something percent for their own interests and to hell with the rest of us.
It’s now pretty obvious that the endgame is to create a global regime controlled by the 0. something percent for their own interests and to hell with the rest of us.
Maybe it’s time for the rest of us to start a movement of some sort to act in the interests of the other 99.x % of humanity while (if) there is still time?
I don’t see this as a political movement so much as a social / economic one because it needs to transcend national borders.
3/2!.. follows
We need to include all the 99.x %, excluding only those who have exploited most of humanity for their own enrichment and continue to do so.
We need a pragmatic movement, taking small steps in the right direction whenever opportunity presents without standing too much on principle.
Any starters?