Yi Peng 3 update: The seabed east of Læsø has a long straight mark where Yi Peng 3 passed over cables earlier this year. The cables are buried so no damage was done. More here: https://nyheder.tv2.dk/2024-12-16-nye-undervandsoptagelser-styrker-mistanke-om-sabotageforsoeg-paa-kabler-ved-laesoe-siger-eksperter
Is it known where that track begins and ends (or the distance it was possible to track), and where exactly that imprint of apparent anchor is?
If they board and arrest the ship and its captain, what retaliation will they face?
Can it be brushed over and the ship leave?
Will Baltic nations do things differently in the Baltic now?
Who are the insurers who fixed the cable?
Who paid for the fix?
Who do the insurers sue?