to those with adhd, what are some tips / tricks that have helped you better function in day-to-day life?
example: making a checklist of things you must do every morning before work (or in this case, school)
my 7yo daughter is recently diagnosed (pretty sure i have it too, undiagnosed though).
example: making a checklist of things you must do every morning before work (or in this case, school)
my 7yo daughter is recently diagnosed (pretty sure i have it too, undiagnosed though).
I refuse to do meds to my kids, they royally fucked me up in so many ways as a child that will affect me the rest of my life
They can make that decision for themselves as adults
Nobody should have to grow up like that
Plus I never learned to function and will spend my life chasing doctors that do not care 💔
You could get a cute board to have everything on
I have to have one of those big desktop calenders to keep everything straight
for tips, my biggest life saver is to making shorter task (ex. folding all your laundry is hard but folding 2 t-shirts isn't)
having a set routine for *some* stuff either daily or weekly (like i change my
wall hooks for clothes/keys/bag you need to put away/grab quickly
do not hide anything being doors or in boxes to prevent your object permanence to forget about it (same for the mess)
dopamine absorption and menstrual cycles are connected which means your symptoms could change throughout the months
be patient and don't shame yourselves for struggling, you're not lazy just having a bad adhd day and that's okay
i'll be happy to help
Id say stress the importance of getting the things done but in any way she feels able and comfortable to. As long as its done its done!
Sometimes i even turn it into a game
Set a timer for one task and once that timer is done, stop and put things down, no matter the level of completion! Then time a break and once thats done start the task timer again. (For longer tasks)
This has helped me a lot!