"Oh dear. You seem so flustered. Is there anything I can do that might help you calm down a little? I promise my friend here won't harm you, but he will make sure that you're safe when traveling to the training grounds. "
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"M-Maybe you should just come with me instead.. unless.. you got somewhere to be..?"
Now she found herself curious to know how he would react to her Lapras. Would he faint?
Giving him a small smile, she waved a hand for him to follow her, "This way please."
"Are you sure you want to train in the snow like that? I'm worried you may catch a cold or worse if you aren't dressed in proper attire.."
"My hot blood will keep me warm! Even temperature is a method of raising endurance."
Her heart froze, as did her feet while they stood in the entrance of Circhester.