I sit through this at least once a fortnight, it's so fun when they start talking about Wokeness and LGBT+ stuff, and I can't say a damn thing because it's confrontational or rude or whatever
for real! the only luck I've consistently had is in call centres and they burn you out fast, my last one left me too sick to work. I know someone at the moment who's looking for a second job & they've had no luck after months of applying and searching, it's so fucked.
Yeah, agreed, and stuff where I'm on my feet due to the POTS, or sitting at a computer all day due to my eyes+migraines. I feel like I'm a bit screwed lmao
Sure do! based on the calls I got a lot of people would think we were offshore and would be openly racist, I had a guy say to me "I know this is hard to understand because you're a woman" after I'd explained the business rules to him and he didnt like the answer I gave him. Fuck that job lmao
Most of the jobs in my area are $18-19 an hour when my rent's $2k and I can't even land those jobs despite my manager experience and desperation like - I can't wait for most boomers to fucking die already ( sans my parents and the cool ones I know ).
God, so my dads friend was talking about his past employment history & so many of his stories were "I showed up one day and they offered me a job and that was it, was there for 10 years" & then say that the younger generations arent trying hard enough. makes me want to fucking scream 💀💀
"could get a pack of smokes, a bag of crisps for 50p, rent was 2 quid" like cool man cool my tiny mould infested unit was $1620 a month thats awesome as
See how they like it, lol
People are just too much