Yes, both China and Russia almost seem like decent, respectable countries compared the American very stable genius, and the oligarch terrorist cabal that are bankrolling him
He is the greatest threat to world peace than the others because he’s even more destructive than any of these other assholes and he’s backed by the biggest nuclear arsenal than any other country. IMPEACH HIM NOW before he blows us all the fuck up!
They came to kill everyone
Immediate response kill every damn nazi or die. 9 years of libs. Love trumps hate. It's wrong to punch nazis. Just vote harder. Hope over fear. Don't be weird. also you have this coming trump voters. Other side ha ha we owned the libs.
Well when you threaten a canal, neighbors to the North/South of you, allow individuals to kill off your own electorate, insult champagne, make Canadians angry, win a fictional gold tournament, wait 2 hours for your bf to pick up the phone, and want to quietly increase troops in Greenland for safety.
The US should always be number 1 threat to peace. Obviously. Biden’s proxy war. His genocide in Gaza. Where is Bibi on this poll? There you go. It’s a joke. North Korea more of a threat than Israel. Jokers.
The US president should always be listed as the greatest threat to world peace. Obama the Nobel Peace Prize winner, awarded for making a nice speech, bombed 7 countries simultaneously.
The permanent runner up should be the PM of Israel.
Two nations without whom the world would be a safe place.
Standing at the point where malice and ignorance meet, flirt, fuck, puke, fuck again, die of gonorrhea, them liquefy until they merge into one Frankenstein monster that needs to be beaten with sticks.
He’s so dumb, I’m sure he’s proud. Probably wondering if he gets a trophy for this honor that he can display next to his club championship one and Time Magazine cover.
Now C' did Trump score so high and Putin didn't? Unless we're supposed to add the two together..since ole Donnie Boy & Vlad are joined at the hip anyway...?
Republicans, You took power with lawbreaking, violating our constitution, lying, KGB brainwashing, ignoring rules & policies, being obstructionists & saboteurs, ginning up hate & violence and generally being flaming disrespectful assholes. Hence, we are declaring you & your authority NULL & VOID..
I am not sure that is the Peace Prize he wants but knowing him, the dumb ass will celebrate it and think it is a stepping stone to the Nobel Peace Prize
what are we doing wrong, i wonder
They came to kill everyone
Immediate response kill every damn nazi or die. 9 years of libs. Love trumps hate. It's wrong to punch nazis. Just vote harder. Hope over fear. Don't be weird. also you have this coming trump voters. Other side ha ha we owned the libs.
Both as a function of fewer Americans and those being poorer.
Are they stupid?
if I was a billionaire I'd put billion dollar bounties in these people. 😈
The permanent runner up should be the PM of Israel.
Two nations without whom the world would be a safe place.
By Germans, I think it said. 2019