Let's not stop with Vance. There are names behind the planning and funding of all of this. Heritage, Judicial Watch, Americans for prosperity, etc. Make them uncomfortable.
Meet this cancer Vance at every corner! Don’t let these cowards hide. Meet them and expose them nonstop.
Our kids’ future depends on removing these scoundrels and traitors.
The snow reporter at the VT resort Vance is skiing at took the opportunity to make some good trouble, sending out a message of resistance against an administration "threatening our democracy, our livelihoods, our land". https://kottke.org/25/03/jd-vance-chastised-by-vermont-snow-reporter
I don’t think that people who’ve never lived in Vermont can realize how insulting the sign is. I’m so proud that Vermont is living up to its Live Free or Die motto
After three brutal years of Ukrainians being raped by Putin’s military the WH asked Ukraine’s President to come for talks. When he found out they wanted to rape Ukraine too he got upset. And all Couch fucker could offer was “Say Thank you for Biden’s support”
It is performance art. Like Pence going to see Hamilton in 2016. Ski the most liberal state in the Nation right now? They were hoping for more than a peaceful protest. I hope JD’s wife likes taking part in Trump’s games.
*autocorrect 🤬
Our kids’ future depends on removing these scoundrels and traitors.
Chase him to the KREMLIN where he belongs!