On the phone call, Trump “told Mr. Trudeau that he did not believe that the treaty that demarcates the border between the two countries was valid and that he wants to revise the boundary. He offered no further explanation.” 🇨🇦
We want in
We have lots to offer
Big cities
Small towns
Agriculture including wine
Glitzy Hollywood
Plenty of laid back places
It’s all here
5th largest economy in the world
I needed that laugh
NOBODY voted for this!
Boundary Commission have to say on the subject?
Taking land from Canada, Greenland, Panama, Gaza ... he just seems to want it from somewhere. Doesn't seem to matter where. Absolutely nuts.
The rest of NATO will come to Canada's aid if needed, but still.
Everyone outside of america, whether they're willing to say it or not, knows it.
So yes, we rightly take it seriously and will defend it with our lives
Russia and China are celebrating this new dynamic.
I'm not making excuses for them, but we will need them to overcome this asshole.
All these people who regret their votes certainly aren’t reaching out to republicans with concerns in large enough numbers to influence change. We’re beyond the tipping point and I’m not ready to make nice.
A *lot* of people memory-holed not only J6 but all of Trump 1.0, starting with the media.
They didn't care though.
They still voted MAGA because it is who they are.
We all knew who he was, his petty need for retribution, his disdain for NATO & the UN, his temperamental and inconsistent policy decisions...
Yes, this term is worse than the first, but it is still only an extension and amplification of his prior actions.
We have spent hundreds of trips there. But not any more. I feel bad for all the decent American people but the disrespect is a deal-breaker. We are now buying Canada and have cancelled our latest trip, YouTube, Disney and Prime.
Across all of the northern border it is the 49th parallel except in the San Juan Islands
Every kid who goes to summer camp in BC knows the history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pig_War_(1859)
Is his new obsession a combo of MD & unapologetic greed, plus an attempt to gain the respect of his idol Putin?
Putin, Putin, look! I’m a strongman, just like you!
I’m sorry that our train wreck is impacting you & the rest of the world. Once we have democracy down here again, we will be much better neighbors. We are working on it…
As Jimmy Kimmel said after the election, it was a bad night for Harris voters. It was a bad night too for Trump voters. They just don't know it yet.
Moves to "49° and pretend we never brought it up!"
Somehow ends up at "42° and retreat!"