Immer noch down, das nervt 😩 Sony sagt, an einer Lösung zu arbeiten, doch neue Updates fehlen. Foren & Social Media berichten von instabilen oder gar keine Verbindungen und langen Wartezeiten. Von Sonys Seite wäre dringend mehr Transparenz nötig, damit wir wissen, was Sache ist!
Musk hat Sony gehackt, um sich jetzt die besten Plätze als progamer no . 1 zu sichern, andere Systeme werden folgen 😂🤣🤣 das ist natürlich nur ein Witz... Aber zumindest könnte man es ihm zutrauen.
I bet my life that it’s a data breach and their currently trying their best to find a solution and avoid admitting that their servers are shit and unable to safely protect our data
I think it's time for a class action lawsuit against Sony in regards to their PSN service. No communication from them, this is utterly unacceptable and it's happened one too many times.
It doesn't help that it's a weekend as well, whenever the servers are back I would strongly recommend everyone changing their PlayStation passwords and changing passwords on sites you have your PSN account connected to because who knows what could be causing them to have it be down for this long
The only thing is they probably haven't figured out what happened yet. And as much as we all want some kind of update I think them saying. 'We have no idea how this happened' looks almost worse in their minds maybe?
There is something wrong though. It's a bad look when something like this happens and you can only say. 'We got nothing.' Honestly no matter what they do at this point, there will be a large amount of pissed off people and nothing to really be done about it until they fix the servers.
I am hesitant to believe rumors like that, as it smacks of "Trust me bro I called them" but considering how little (IE: none) communication we are getting, it makes things like that easier to believe.
Which is another reason Sony's silence is doing a lot of harm.
The problem with the digitals is when the network is down, it can't retrieve the license. So youre stuck. I can play Demon Souls offline with the physical copy I have. But if I try to load the digital version of Seikiro, I'm SOL.
can you play it offline though? all these games need like huge patches the minute you put the disc in. so if you never had it installed your out of luck
Demon Souls started right up. So did MLB The Show 24. My guess is the patches that were downloaded to these games happened before the network went down.
I think the bigger point is that if you bought a physical copy of Demon’s Souls today, you would still need PSN to update it to the latest version. Most games nowadays also add pretty hefty updates after launch so you still need PSN for the optimal experience in any case.
Almost all my physical games need internet access. I went to play mygranturismo 7 hardcopy and it is so severely limited now. Can’t even access my garage
After a very long internal debate, last night I resolved to preorder Capcom Fighting Collection 2 despite not being a Fighting game fan. I feel like this is the universe trying to tell me something.
There was an instance where social was up cuz I got a mobile notification of somebody saying that it was on. But I suppose it went as quickly as it came. 🤷
It's no strange coincidence that as soon as SONY manage to get PSN back online for a short time, they lost it again FAST. They've been hacked.
Last time they had a major outage, they didn't really communicate with their customers and it made them mad. This time, they've decided to... do exactly the same thing hoping for a different response 😆
Fortnite at the weekend only….. 🤦♂️
I can see it's down already
Because people are saying that we can't play at all...
BUT I would really like to simply know the reason and maybe get a few words of apology.
But we are completely ignored. Well ...
The only thing I think is that honesty is the key in communication with users.
There is actually nothing wrong with saying "we don't know what happened, sorry, we are working on it".
But they will never say that.
But 15 hours of no communication is utterly unacceptable customer service.
I am hesitant to believe rumors like that, as it smacks of "Trust me bro I called them" but considering how little (IE: none) communication we are getting, it makes things like that easier to believe.
Which is another reason Sony's silence is doing a lot of harm.
Can’t even blame customer support tho, I’m sure they have been getting absolutely chewed out like they are the ones who caused the issue 😭
Joder, que suerte.
Cuando hoy había eventos en Skull&Bones y Helldivers 2.
It's no strange coincidence that as soon as SONY manage to get PSN back online for a short time, they lost it again FAST. They've been hacked.
Let's spread the word. This is unacceptable from Sony.