Oh she raised her ‘concerns’ and then said he assured her he’d ‘re-examine’ the issues she raised w/ him. I’m sure he went and did immediately after his confirmation. 🙄
You would too. He had a mission as a Democrat and same mission as a Independent. His mission has not changed. I have no clue why anyone on this earth would be against a man that is trying to make us healthy. Ingredients banned in other countries are consumed by Americans. It needs to stop.
And because I've heard what he says, and it's batshit stupid... He's platforming on both extreme Right and Left, it doesn't make much sense, and his policies will kill people. Plus the whole, parasite eating half his brain, thing.
And because I've heard what he says, and it's batshit stupid... He's platforming on both extreme Right and Left, it doesn't make much sense, and his policies will kill people. Plus the whole, parasite eating half his brain, thing.