Don't forget he labeled himself as king & he gave himself the look of Julius Caesar for the Third Term Project. The possible endings are beginning to be unlimited.
Or, more to the point, chose to ignore the signs staring them in the face. They would rather believe the lies coming from their Orange Fuhrer , continually repeated by conservative news, than what is actually happening.
Oralè Resisters
America do you
Hear your children’s
Do hear their tears for
Their father?
Do you hear their pain?
I do, and it’s breaking
My heart every time!
#USABabies #USDemocracy
So, Corpsy, how do we get the cult members to believe it? I just sent an email update to a friend in Germany. Taking a step back, I sound like a raving, paranoid lunatic - except it’s all true. How does one influence those who are under a sick, twisted spell rendering them impermeable to the truth?
One more thing to maybe consider is whether or not a dual relationship exists.
With a store or politician for example, it's an exchange, so if it goes bad they're forced to accept it. It's the same with losing a job, it's a simple exchange.
With friends & relatives a dual relationship is involved.
They. Don’t. Care. Time to wake up and realize that 70 million people are totally down with the fall of America as long as the people they hate are hurt first.
There is evidence of widespread voting irregularities that indicate the election was rigged. Election Truth Alliance, a non partisan organization of cybersecurity experts and statisticians is investigating and needs our support. My account is content labeled for sharing this important information.
The GOPukes in Congress have got to wake up. Their fear of losing their power if they oppose tRump/Musk has turned them into weak cucks...they watch as the cabal fucks us all.
America do you
Hear your children’s
Do hear their tears for
Their father?
Do you hear their pain?
I do, and it’s breaking
My heart every time!
#USABabies #USDemocracy
How deep is the shit sewer?
It makes perfect sense.
We make facts available & wait.
While our opposition establishes boundaries which are needed, confrontation reinforces them & raises thier defensiveness.
With a store or politician for example, it's an exchange, so if it goes bad they're forced to accept it. It's the same with losing a job, it's a simple exchange.
With friends & relatives a dual relationship is involved.
Let’s not forget about the large swathes of people that voted for this and not only want this but are cheering it on.
Bad ending.