This is beyond outrageous. I am so pissedoff at Democrats right now. Why they arent listing all these, all goddamn day, is beyond me.
Those guys damn near won the war for us in the S Pacific.
Trump is totally taking a shit on the military (who are 75% right wing fuckups/ haters )
This is why I'm pushing to ensure all of us that are going to have our stories and the stories of those who paved the way have some sort of archival plan in place.
They are like a baby struggling with object permanence. They think if it's not on a website, it no longer exists. Ban books, they no longer exist. Ban the word gay, poof no more gay people. Ban "Woke" terms they no longer exist in any language, and they think they somehow owned the libs. Idiots
I cannot tell you how pissed off I was about this. First, Arlington, now this. I even thought, is the Trump regime going to erase John Basilone for being too Italian? This has gotten ridiculous.
I'm old enough that I watched The World at War (1973) with my dad. And he told me the importance of remembering history and honoring those who sacrificed so much. I'm so angry and hurt to see the contributions of so many erased because of an orange Trumpobutt.
History was my favorite and best subject (thanks to my dad who inspired me) and at least this grandma will make sure her grandchildren know it... as it was, not according to this ridiculous regime. Appreciate you. 🙏
So, apparently, based on WP article, if there is enough outcry, the stories will be put back up, but only if they’re famous enough. That’s not how history works. As a matter of course, history is the telling of untold stories. The famous stories tend to tell themselves.
I cannot read the article, it’s behind a paywall. Can anyone tell me why, exactly, they removed the story about Iwo Jima? I can’t find anything about it. Thanks.
Those guys damn near won the war for us in the S Pacific.
Trump is totally taking a shit on the military (who are 75% right wing fuckups/ haters )
I mean atleast half of that description meets 100% of the Corps.