I am barely breathing. The angry boy, a bit too insane, I'm drowning slowly, but still I can't remember anything, I probably won't come back around again.
Not cringe. I may have hard-headed opinions, but I still strive to be kind. My vitriol comes out mainly when there’s zero accountability for those in power who are enact violence daily—which is to say it’s almost always provoked. When it’s not, I hold myself accountable.
Not cringe at all. Kindness matters. We will never be as miserable as those maga freaks. There are many on the edge right now...you never know when something you post could save someone.
And be kind to yourself. Step away from this mess for a day, eat well, sleep well, exercise, garden, watch a sunset, look at old photos, read a book. Find a small cup of joy each day.
It's only cringe to those who have allowed fear and hate to rule their lives and darken their hearts. It is in times like these that it's most important to connect, to care and to show compassion and kindness. It's the only way we'll get through it.
Being human is messy as hell, and not one goddamn person bats 1.000 on feelings, or responses to their feelings.
I sent a bunny in a hoodie out there today and some pissedoffness in buckets! Seize the day!
earnestness is way cooler than being jaded and apathetic
Is cringe sweet cringe
It’s the only thing
That we ever need to binge 🎶
I'm gonna kind until it's back in style and then I'll kind some more
That and good trouble are important right now.
Be well kind stranger🩷