Zero. I was told by my Japanese ex student’s dad I was the first American he had ever met that would eat whatever was placed in front of me no questions asked.
I would start a Swahili restaurant chain. We'd specialise in katles ( savoury fried breafast dumpling ), samosas and lots of matoke dishes, as well as grilled meat and fish.
My first Kimchi Jigae soup. Someone noted how much I was enjoying trying kimchi the first time, and suggested this kimchi beef soup. I went back twice during that trip and then started cooking Korean food.
It was the warm, but somehow non-tangy heat of capsicum pepper skin broth.
I was in Japan one year over thanksgiving & my hostess took me to a fantastic sushi place. She said it was where her bosses took their clients so she said it had to be good. Everyone at home was eating roast turkey & gravy while I was feasting on the best Japanese food ever.
It was the warm, but somehow non-tangy heat of capsicum pepper skin broth.