The first time one of my old coworkers saw me unmasked after covid he literrally backed up and was like "oh wow. Jen. I'm not trying to hit on you, I promise, but you're like... stunning."
Anytime I'm
discussing an issue and the other person responds with how the dumbest most gullible people alive would respond to my suggestion. I know how dummies think. So we really need to imagine them into our conversation? I call it playing the dumbass advocate
I wanna be like you have small pp energy for being such a massive dick.
I blushed so hard my face was hot.
(2021 Jen)
(so to speak)
See also, "waiting to talk"
sometimes, I just need someone to simply tell me that everything will be okay and that I am on the wrong or right path.
And pounces 🐾
discussing an issue and the other person responds with how the dumbest most gullible people alive would respond to my suggestion. I know how dummies think. So we really need to imagine them into our conversation? I call it playing the dumbass advocate
So ubiquitous.
"I love that for you"
(but for anyone else, it would be a horror show)