This is insane cover for what his actual beliefs are. He does not just explain these events contextually. He does not treat these topics with any reverence. You’re just lying. He cheerleads for terrorism and plenty of his own videos show that.
Here's what you should do - go read about the history of Osama bin Laden and Al-Quaeda. Go start there to understand american interventionism in the ME region.
You don't even need to read a book - start with wikipedia. This isn't secret knowlege, or even really in dispute (outside of Fox)
"go read about the history of Osama bin Laden and Al-Quaeda. Go start there to understand american interventionism in the ME region. " Ive done all that. Now explain how it justifies the slaughter of a thousand civilians on October 7th. I'll wait.
So when you read osmas letter on why he did 9/11 he talks 50% about american military involvment in the ME 90% of that being about supporting the jews. And 50% was him complaining about americas freedoms and how they are not following sharia law
9/11 did happen to a large part because Osama hated american democracy, gay rights, and the consumption of alcohol and gambling, its all in the letters that went viral a year ago or so
So when he shows houthi and hamas propaganda while praising them for their music and mechanical skills, calls their terrorist attacks justified and compares them to the warsaw ghetto uprising, he is not promoting terrorists?
I’m sorry but how is showing your viewers Houthi propaganda not promoting terrorism? What context is he providing by showing videos that promote violence? Labeling them “musicals” is Hasan making shit up, per usual.
Right, cause Fox News isn’t capable of quoting Hasan or citing that he plays Houthi propaganda. So here’s another article that says the same thing:
911 didn't happen because "they hate our freedoms".
Oct 7 didn't happen in a vaccuum.
Being afraid to talk about the historical context and huminize enemies is the wrong path.
You don't even need to read a book - start with wikipedia. This isn't secret knowlege, or even really in dispute (outside of Fox)
This isn't complicated.
Its here. Read it.
You're lost in the sauce. If that's your starting point there's no point going forward here.
What does the first paragraph say?
What does the second paragraph say?
Should I copy paste them here for you?
My understanding of his position is that If Israel is an apartheidstate, resistance to aparthied is justified. Killing civilians isn't.
Humanising that position - the history and context of apartheid - has been part of his messaging.
Also its important for what hasan condemed hamas. Hasan is still denying rapes happening on oct7 by hamas