Okay, ich kann nachvollziehen warum Kräuterkäse da Vorrang hat. Though I am mildly concerned that the Supermarkets around you don't seem to have cream cheese or choccy milk
Fair enough. When we aren't utterly offending other cultures with our creations we usually make some pretty good food. And a backflip for a smoked eel seems like a decent tradeoff
Speaking of nostalgic foods, I could really go for some british ready made curry (Swift topic change, I know). Used to eat that a lot when I went there for holiday pre-Brexit/Covid. Willing to be crucified on the hill that the UK does better curries than we do. Just hits different
Never been to the UK but want to go. Maybe when I come visit Germany again I can zip over for a weekend. I'm over the US at this point. 30+ years here and never thought I'd even consider leaving for good.
Ich vermisse das alles!! Vorallem Kräuterkäse!!
And I'd do backflips for some Smoked Eel from my hometown 😂