The most watched network on cable paid $787 million for intentionally lying to their audience and they didn't change a thing. Credit for gaslighting Americans should be given where credit is due.
I saw an amazing scatter plot. Horizontal, vote by party, Republicans left, Democrats right. All red dots (states) left, blue right. Vertical, percent of population with BS or higher degree. All blue above, all red below. Draw lines for 4 quadrants, lower left red, upper right blue. Other 2 empty!
For that, both parties are to blame. Republicans under Reagan began underfunding education to dumb down the masses and no Democrat since him has corrected the situation. Critical thinking and civics? Gone.
So... if he thinks he got more votes than anyone, but lost by a whisker, that speaks bigly about his lack of intelligence... and how much stupider his base is.
The fact that so many of his followers BELIEVE Trump's lies about the 2020 election doesn't speak well for their intelligence!
It doesn't speak well for the United States.
He lost it in 2016 as well. And he got lotsa Putin help inn the form of millions - something a corrupted DOJ ignored.
Maria Butina anyone??