For what it's worth, humans weren't meant to spend life chasing money. Idk what's going on, but I don't think you are a failure. I think society is just hitting a point where is is really critically becoming clear whatever this is, isn't working for anyone.
But especially when it comes to your art, your 3D modeling. That's about expressing yourself and being creative. Not how much you can earn from it. Society has kind of robbed us all of expression and turned everything into endless side hustles to survive.
honestly a lot of the stuff you said really hit things on the nose. Since I don't have a legit job (everyone else seems to have) and am not making crazy money with art i'm pretty depressed over it (+ other factors). You definitely sound like you understand what's up and i appreciate you reaching out
I know brains and feelings are hard to control, but be careful comparing yourself to others. Platforms have kind of forced everyone to post their best, advertiser/brand friendly life. Everybody is struggling. They just post their victories. No one has their shit together as much as they pretend.
Just keep doing what you love and pursue the things that bring you joy (obvious disclaimer: as long as it isn't hurting anyone). I hope you can get out of this rut soon! I'm excited to see more of your art :)