I increasingly feel alienated from media outlets as coherent editorial packages.
While there are individual journalists and columnists I trust and whose work I always read, there seems a wider gulf between what the media institutions want and what I want.
While there are individual journalists and columnists I trust and whose work I always read, there seems a wider gulf between what the media institutions want and what I want.
I don’t demand my views be reflected back at me. But I think it is fair to object to paying for an editorial intent which is actively hostile to my (and everyone’s) interests.
I think a lot of this can be attributed to consumers getting older and becoming more discerning, without accounting for how uncritical they used to be.
But Ireland has not been immune, in part because Irish media workers are among the most assiduous of foreign English-speaking media consumers.
Those eyeballs are converted into money through selling them (the readers/viewers) to the advertisers.
But the Google/Meta duopoly has consumed that value.
Imagine a daily paper publishing the equivalent of the law page that used to be in the IT now.
I don't care if they have good opinion writers. The editorial direction has been massively distorted to the point I don't bother with them.