There was already an indigenous civilization here when they arrived though. It wasn’t “from scratch” in fact a lot of their crops and where and how to hunt certain things was because of native Americans.
I get that. But I don’t see how the proves your initial claim. They borrowed a lot and used a lot of knowledge from another civilization. It’s not by any means “from scratch”
The modern immigrant works the land so that you can eat the fruits, they also work at many other jobs that are needed. Doctors, caregivers, professors, teachers.
With all of the deportations there will be a shortfall of labour.
Then please read your post again, “modern immigrants” perhaps you should clarify which ones you are speaking of. Either way, your original post smacks of racism.
Yes, they learned from the natives, but they cleared their own land and built their own forts and towns.
That is the point of the original post.
With all of the deportations there will be a shortfall of labour.
Your reply presupposes that “modern immigrants” refer to legal and illegal immigrants.
Legal immigrants in the US are not being deported.