Trump's purge of FBI, CIA and NSA are intentionally making our nation less safe when comes to possible terrorist attack. Trump knows this. Why? Could it be Trump wants a terrorist attack on US soil to declare an emergency to further expand his power, shut down dissent and suspend civil liberties?
I'm not holding my breath
1️⃣ He’s in the pocket of some enemy states who will delight in a poorly protected US,
2️⃣ he’s an imbecile without the vaguest idea of what he’s doing,
3️⃣ he stupidly assumes his investigations were conducted by voluntary partisan agents rather than just assignments.
Did this really all start because Obama roasting him at #NerdProm?
A) Trumpy is working to convert the civil service, military, and intelligence agencies from nonpartisan employees to trump loyalists
B) Trumpy just told the world he wants the USA to own the remains of Gaza.
C) Trumpy hangs with people who want a race war AND people who want the Rapture.
He is just taking it, and no one is stopping him.