Do you think that Bondi would prosecute him? We all want it to happen but it isn't going to. Unless when (if) we have another election.
Also, the Dems would not go after him for "the good of the country" if history is a teacher.
There needs to be a loud and persistent outcry from Dems & Dem leadership. There is too much normalizing & complacency. Shout out concerns to the Americans not paying attention. Strategize and get a strong message out. No playing nice! Denounce the traitor! He is destroying our country!
Treason is the first grounds for impeachment in our Constitution, which also says: "Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort."
He committed treason when he sent an armed mob to storm the capital. The fact we learned he knew they were armed makes it an act of war. The act of war is a difference between sedition versus treason. He should already be executed by now.
Also, the Dems would not go after him for "the good of the country" if history is a teacher.
Everyone with any power who does not hold him accountable for his treason is also a traitor.
should be hung for treason
But, here is how we fight fascist dictators: