Rep Al Green after being removed from Trump speech: "I'll accept the punishment. It's worth it to let people know that there's some of us who are going to stand up" against Trump and his anti-American agenda. And Green added Trump is convicted felon! This is what courage looks like!
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I know some Dems chose to skip the SOTU. That works too.
The others are complicit.
Sen. Slotkin's response was so embarrassingly bad, it's almost like it was designed to disguise that a coup is taking place.
Where was this sign?
We will follow his lead but some of us won’t be nice
As a European where we have free health.I couldn't imagine living in a country where doctors & hospitals only treat people with a credit card & insurance. #DonaldTrumpIsUtterScum.
Where were the rest of the Dems?
Holding stupid signs.
Wearing pink.
Being quiet when 95% of what trump said were lies & hate speech.
What consequences do elections have when crimes have none?
Dems have no idea how to fight fascists
If you’re not working on impeachment you’re not following your oath of office to defend our country. Stop whining.
Nonviolent solution to Dictator Trump
Hire these guys to impeach Dictator Trump before May 1st
Brownstein Hyatt Farber Shreck LLP
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
End of discussion!