The problem now is that I really want rice crispy treat but I am in the bath and the rice crispy treat is not here. Disaster. Bad planning. Woe. Strife. Etc etc etc.
That reminds me, was I having my stomach dramas before I left twitter, or just after? Either way, for like 6 months there I had to avoid all acidic foods, fried foods, fatty foods, spicy foods, etc etc etc and I was so so so upset because it was like, what is the point if I can’t have A SINGLE food?
It did! Then I found out a week after my 40th, where I couldn’t eat or drink anything good, it was a misdiagnosis and I didn’t have the thing that could have killed me if I wasn’t careful at all!!!
I had a garlic prawn pizza last night that was amazing but totally ruined by the onion jam that overpowered the rest of it by adding way too much sweetness. Give me acid / brightness to cut through, not sweet!!
(But I don’t like sweet in my salty things. No pineapples in curry etc for me, thank you!!!)