My Angelo didn’t bother with sound. He just opened his mouth and I was supposed to figure out what kind of meow he was executing - meow for dinner, angry meow, I want outside meow, etc.
My girl (Sorcia) was very vocal! We had whole conversations! She had different tones to express her mood and she was wicked smart. Cats of Asian breed are usually talkers.
Oh wow! We have cats we rescued as babies. Bottle fed because their mama had to stay in the hospital 8 days. We have her, too. That looks like a Rhodesian Ridgeback. He loves our cats and they will sleep next to him.
Super cute! my tiny cat Willow loves to have full on conversations with me. If you pull out the brush or comb though - she goes for the solo vocalist Grammy.
Decades ago I had a Burmese tabby mix (Buster) that was a real chatty cat. I got to where I could distinguish between his I want out and feed me yowls. He was a real character. I still miss him.
I now have my first cat who has ever done that. Except half the time when he meows, he sounds like he's genuinely upset. He's not; he just really likes to hold a meow. But I'm still adapting to this flipping of every cat behavior I've ever known.
My girl Momo is also a talker. She loves to argue, and blames me when the motorcycle race by. She also sometimes likes to mimic the geese outside by our patio.
Gorgeous Brutus and beautiful Rhodesian Ridgebacks. I used to show RRs in the 90s. Very intelligent and loyal dogs. I still have a custom-made license plate holder with Ridgebacks on it and some cards with envelopes especially made for me by an artist.
My goodness! I thought I was the only one to name a cat Brutus. I called him that because the SPCA volunteer called him a tough guy. He lived from about 2004 to 2020. He mangled my sofa, but was very sweet.
💜 chatterbox cats! Mine follows me around all day giving me his opinions on every little thing. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t talk back to him as if we’re having a friendly conversation.
There was a Libby’s veg commercial on then
We would sing it to the cat
🎶when it says Livvie Livvie Livvie on the label label label (pause)
Olivia would give a solid meow in response. Over and over 😊
Looks like my cat Boo-boo could be a sibling from a different mother 😁
Enjoy every minute!