I've never really understood how people come up with difficulty or enjoyment values on their accomplishment spreadsheets. I forget how something felt like a week after I did it, I have no ability to compare between 2 things like that lol. I'm trying to come up with a formula and it sucks.
Except there's multiple problems with this lol
as for difficulty i basically check how hard it's considered by the community as a whole, then bump it up/down by one or two tiers depending on how i felt about it
I have my personal hardest stuff on top, and then the CADDIE system is mostly based on community opinions with a little bit of my opinion thrown in the mix also, which honestly changes things quite a bit
But like for me, bejeweled 3 is one of my top accomplishments no question, but it doesn't even show up on the caddie system because the community average is 15 points lol
on enjoyment, i do also forget how stuff actually felt in the moment and it honestly makes me feel pretty bad if i think about it too much ,, like, i genuinely have 0 clue how i felt in the moment or what i did immediately after getting 7d golden atp...
(from feb 25th '24)