We should be like the French. They don't like something, they shut that country down.
Time to do the same here.
We should be like the French. They don't like something, they shut that country down.
Time to do the same here.
Your words are so real
When I think about it
I get hit in the feels
We should shut it all down
Let’s show all these clowns
We’re not backing down!
Bring them to our towns
Get them out of their halls
They’re messing with our pride
Who’s down to ride?
Probably why Trump feels so threatened by them.
US Democrats are liberals and liberals are hogtied to free market capitalism, so they're not left-wing in any meaningful (economic) sense.
The European uncles and aunts of the USA had largely replaced liberalism with social democracy by the end of the 19th century, while the USA persisted with the old-money/new-money (ie conservative/liberal) two-party system.
As far as I can tell, America doesn't really have a left-wing in the same sense as it would be understood in the rest of the world. This is obviously a boon for billionaires.