That is the most sickening act of cowardice I’ve ever seen. But then again, it’s Slow Joe, the MSNBC loser that hasn’t met a bus yet he doesn’t want to throw someone under for his own gain.
He is nothing more than a coward and he did it with his wife. Talk about throwing her under the bus!!!
I was one of those persons to watch Morning Joe religiously every morning until they went to kiss his ass I mean the ring I am done with them done with MSNBC done with Morning Joe. I should’ve listened to Keith years ago about Joe Scarborough.
Keith also had a great show on MSNBC & loved his "worst person of the week" on Fridays. I also watched Morning Joe every damn day until Nov 6th. Not anymore. Mika can take her pashminas & Jimmy Choo stilettos and clickety clack over to Fox, dragging her ahole husband with her.
I remember when you when you first introduced her. Such a shame they went the way they went. Not enough people know what you contributed. Ed, RIP, tried to give what you have, but your arguments always had more substance.
He is nothing more than a coward and he did it with his wife. Talk about throwing her under the bus!!!