That's what they did to the oligarchs that were causing all of societies problems
You think the way you do about communism even though it has never existed because the oligarchs that cause all of societies problems have controlled the information you receive for your whole life and don't want you
You think the way you do about communism even though it has never existed because the oligarchs that cause all of societies problems have controlled the information you receive for your whole life and don't want you
You can’t distribute your way to prosperity, communist.
You know that number is bullshit right yes there was famine but it was not caused by socialism and definately not by communism
Almost all problems faced by socialist experiments was US sabotage
Like…. your work is transactional. If you aren’t doing something valuable enough to ask for a raise, maybe you should go learn a skill and become more valuable.
like... your work is exploited by parasites that don't work don't produce value and use that money they stole from your labour to buy politicians and order them to fuck you over even more
BTW skilled and paid well
Profit is a nice word for theft
and it's where most of your money is going
even if your not having profit stolen from your labour directly, you pay more for everything you buy to pay for obscene profits to parasites