LOL! So Trump is already backing down with his ignorant tariffs? Here’s a rundown of what President Sheinbaum reportedly actually said:
Migration Already Decreasing: She pointed out that border crossings were already down 75% from late 2023 to late 2024. No magic deal with Trump needed, just facts.
Migration Already Decreasing: She pointed out that border crossings were already down 75% from late 2023 to late 2024. No magic deal with Trump needed, just facts.
She laid the blame for the drug crisis right where it belongs: U.S. consumption. “Maybe fix your own backyard first,” was the subtext.
She didn’t agree to “stop migration” as he claimed. Instead, she talked about how Mexico was handling migrant caravans within its own borders, a far cry from giving Trump his wish list.
In short, she gave him a polite reality check, and Trump is spinning it into a victory lap. :))
There are different opinions ranging from 50%, the American estimate, to 70 to 90%, the Mexican estimate, how many of those weapons originate in the US.
Make a claim.
Don’t deliver on that claim.
(Scam money in the background)
Lie to st you did deliver on claim.
Ride high from previous economy.
MAGA Party voters believe lie is reason for economy
we're damned if he does and damned if he doesn't.