Student loans are paid on for ten years before being forgiven. That money borrowed is more than paid back and it doesn’t cost anyone anything to have them forgiven.
Marge is a silver spoon feed brat that daddy didn't raise right.
His business got passed down to the ex-husband, not her to run. The kids live with him.
$180,000 * (1.03)^4 = $202,591.59
At a moderate 3% annual, compounded, coming due in April.
Pay up, MTG, unless you are a lying piece of hypocrite freeloader.
Why did Georgia spawn this hateful moron just a couple of generations after giving us Jimmy Carter, one of the most authentically Christian men to have ever lived?
The country will collapse in a few months.
His business got passed down to the ex-husband, not her to run. The kids live with him.
At a moderate 3% annual, compounded, coming due in April.
Pay up, MTG, unless you are a lying piece of hypocrite freeloader.