I think we need to form a NEW DEMOCRATIC PARTY! The current failed leadership (if you can honestly call it leadership) hasn’t figured out Dems are DEMANDING NEW, YOUNGER, ACTIVE and sometimes AGGRESSIVE LEADERSHIP! We are tired of the geriatric, status quo, no fight, good ol boy regime!
I'd trow in open primaries and independent redistricting as complementary mechanisms.
Much farther left than the current leaders.
Progressive Victory supports our progressive candidates. https://www.progressivevictory.win/
The wealthy are!!
This shit is REAL.
This is actually starting to smell like that One World Order the "right wing" conspiracy theorists
Have been saying the Left have been setting up....only IT'S THE BLOODY RIGHT WING NATIONALISTS INSTEAD
we can't rely on the courts, and most of them are republican run anyways.
Getting harder to fight all this!
Or they will 14th amendment him
They don't have any regard for the actual rules of engagement.
James Talarico’s Sermon on Separation of Church & State
* https://youtu.be/3E5jjHW6ncc?si=6JOASWemRxqmvO2f
James Talarico’s Sermon on Christian Nationalism
* https://youtu.be/Blph_2RSBno?si=MU-0RC3oZS4O0FSS